The best way to better your poker game is experience. Poker Notes lets you track your hands to evaluate later or maybe just discuss with friends.
You all know the situation, its 1 in the morning and your on your way home from the casino. You tell your buddy he wont believe the beat you took with your pocket Kings. He asks what the flop was, but you dont remember, because its one in the morning and you went so on tilt you forgot anyway. This wont happen with Poker Notes. You can track the time, place and all of the cards from a texas holdem situation for perfect recall at a later date. Poker Notes also calculates the odds after the flop and turn for you, as well as the starting group for your hand. (Based on the Chen calculation)
Who knows, maybe three weeks later youll run into your favorite poker pro and want to ask him what he/she would do in that situation. Now you can.
Poker Notes makes card entry easy using a custom scrolling picker. Some historical situations have been included to help you get started.